McRBC, Inc.
(Marketing Coordination & Research-Based Consulting)

McRBC is a market research company providing essential marketing information for clients starting new businesses or expanding existing operations.

McRBC is the successor to the research division of RBC, Inc., an industrial marketing research & consulting company established in 1961 to deliver strategic management solutions to domestic and overseas clients. McRBC provides strategic marketing solutions via action-oriented marketing research and consulting covering a broad range of industrial and consumer products.

Highly experienced field researchers collect in-depth primary information from carefully screened contacts (representing manufacturers, supply-chain components, customers, end-users, media, etc.) in the target market. A rigorous validation process is used to ensure the reliability of the data.

McRBC designs customized research projects for client project managers focusing on competitive intelligence (fact finding) and identification of the attitudes and motivations influencing purchase decisions for products and services (perception research).



At the global level, McRBC is also a cooperation member in Japan of Finland-based m-brain Group, an organization providing customized intelligence, research and consulting. m-brain's international network offices cover the Asian region, northern and central Europe, northern and southern Africa, the Middle East, the United States, Canada and Brazil, with a focus on global market research and market monitoring.